BIOL 1400 - Biology for Non-Majors ACTS # BIOL 1004This class is a survey of biology to include an introduction to the fundamentalprinciples of living organisms including properties, organization, function,evolutionary adaptation, and classification. An introductory study of conceptsof reproduction, genetics, ecology, and the scientific method are included. Notappropriate for Biology or Health Science majors. See prerequisite detailsbelow. 3 lecture hours, 2 lab hours. (4 credit hours)
An introduction to the inheritance of human characteristics. The nature of the genes, structure and function of chromosomes, developmental genetics, and the relationship between genes and human disease are discussed. Cloning, genetic engineering, and gene therapy are also covered. Three hours per week. (Under the Forester Fundamental Curriculum, this course meets the Natural Sciences requirement. Under the old GEC, this course meets the Natural Science & Mathematics requirement.)
vocabulary review introduction to genetics answer key.103
Prior to the research, all of the participants were given a vocabulary pretest on paper consisting of 50 target words extracted from the textbook used in their curriculum. They were asked to provide first-language (L1) meanings (Vietnamese) of the English items. If they did not know the meaning of any single word, they were instructed to make their best guess or leave it unanswered. The participants had 25 minutes to finish the test without having any discussions or using dictionaries. Upon completion, they handed the papers back to the researchers. 2ff7e9595c