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"Still waiting for root device" after 10.10.3 update - Apple Community[^3^]

My system will not boot past the white screen with the apple logo and a spinning wheel and after a while the apple logo turns into a O with a \ through the middle. I tried to start the system in safe mode, os x recovery system, target disk mode, and all no gos. When I started in Verbose mode it gives the same O with the \ in the middle and gives the statement "still waiting for root device" over and over and will not start and gets really hot on the bottom. What can I do about this issue? Really need to get my data off the harddrive!! Please Help!!

Mac Still Waiting For Root

Putting drive in an enclosure worked great for me. I really thought I lost all data but it's still there. This does mean I have an other problem at hand. I tried every single boot key combination nothing worked all I got was the "waiting for root device" error. Other error I get is "SATA WARNING: Enable auto-activate failed". So took the hdd out again hooked it up to my imac and ran disk utility. Got several errors repaired disk. Back in macbook pro but nothing happened. Still same errors. Anybody have any idea what to try next?

So when I have ran through the whole document and I still don't have a result only THEN will I go back to Apple. Do you know if they still have the flat rate plan? I have read about it but not sure if it truly exists.

My macbook starts up, but then a no entry sign appears, and nothing else happens apart from the wheel spinning. I have tried to reboot but it just says still waiting for root device. I don't really know alot about macs, so Could someone help me out ?

The computer was on and running. We put in the snow leopard disk, that ran after installation it asked for the password. But I just shut the computer down as I was busy. When I tred to turn it back on it loads the apple sign then after 5 minutes it will show a no entry sign, with the wheel spinning. The snow leopard disk is still in there. I've held command a fe times to re install, it will load about a quarter of it and then we receive an error message and unable to update.

I discover something i tried booting iATKOS ML on a Lenovo laptop and it did not work and have same problem as my Dell XPS15 L502X. Before "Still waiting for root device", it have "No interval found for . Using 8000000" on both Dell XPS and the Lenovo laptop. I wonder if this information will help??

add to System/Library/Extensions, haven't used Extra/Extensions since Snow Leo since newer OSX versions handle cacheing differently and kexts cannot be cached from Extra.. org.chameleon.Boot.plist should be in /Extra and NOT /Extra/Extensions/, EliottForceLegacyRTC.kext should be deleted, personally I have yet to set up a hack where it didn't cause a KP so it' beyond me why it's included as a default kext in these distros unless they are targeted at users will old hardware only. If you still have trouble after that, I would suggest not using a distro because with all the generic censored that is added in an attempt to make it work on most PC's, you end up spending hours/days trying to figure out which things it added for you are actually causing problems instead. Just follow the Guide in tutorials section and you will have much better success. IOPCIfamily.kext may cause issue depending on version and your hardware.

I have read from so many sites but -waiting-for-root-device-when-kernel-cache-used-only-with-some-disks-fix/page__st__0 is the only site that has come close to solution. Pls give it a try and keep us updated. I'll keep searching and i'll update as soon as possible.

i'm still working on something, but its too early to say if its going to work or not. So far, i hv bn able to get 10.6.3 installed. the idea is to see if i can upgrade to lion or even Mountain Lion. I'll keep u updated.

But now, I'm given a stop sign after a few seconds. So I checked what was happening with verbose mode and it's saying "Still waiting for root device" with that message being repeated every 10 seconds or so.

Interestingly, the VM profile used is 'Mac OS Server 10.5'. This isn't supported in modern versions of VMware, as full Apple operating systems can only be virtualised on official Apple hardware. However, as the VMware VM was created in a much older version of VMware (in 2008), the profile is saved in the exported configuration and can still be used for booting PureDarwin Xmas in the latest VMware releases (it will generate a warning though).

This error occurs when the root file system cannot be recognised during the boot process. This seems to be related to the fact that the root file system is a virtual file system within the VMDK image, rather than one that was created using physical hardware.

So the next thing I tried was the terminal commands suggested by b1connected. Changing the priority of the upload process seemed like a hopeful avenue. I'm not a frequent Terminal user, so when I had trouble entering my password (there's no blinking cursor and no indication that it's even taking your input until you hit enter) I stopped and decided maybe I should log in as root. I realized that I had never enabled the root user on this machine, so I went into system preferences and did that. (Apple gives clear instructions on how to do this. You can look it up.) Then I logged out of my Mac (NOT out of iCloud), and logged back in as the root user. Now I could use Terminal and it would take my commands without a password. But after running Terminal, I realize that my desktop wasn't there and I didn't even know how to find my notes on how to do the Terminal process recommended by b1connected.

It makes no sense to me that simply logging out, logging in as root, logging out, and logging in as me should work, but it seems like it did. I have no idea if this will last. Maybe the problem will come back tomorrow.

The most recently time, I tried Jurjan's advice above (deleting the CloudDocs folder, and then killing the iCloud Service Helper), which seems to have worked (it still took a while as it re-synced GBs of data, but not as long as a full afternoon of re-downloading).

A dental benefit waiting period is the amount of time after purchasing a dental insurance plan that you must wait before you are eligible to receive benefits for treatment. Waiting periods differ from plan to plan, but there is typically no waiting period for preventive or diagnostic services such as routine cleanings and basic exams.

Conversely, your dental plan may have a 6- to 12-month waiting period for restorative services such as filings and non-surgical extractions, where a 12-month waiting period is often standard for major services such as crowns or dentures. If you receive services during a waiting period, your dental coverage may not pay for them.

No, not all dental insurance plans have a waiting period. DHMO plans commonly have waiting periods, whereas most dental discount plans usually do not. It is important to check with your dental insurance administrator to determine your applicable waiting periods.

Yes! As mentioned above, there are no waiting periods for either diagnostic services, such as x-rays, or preventive services, like cleanings. In most cases, major dental work, such as crowns, bridges, and dentures, has a waiting period of 6,12, or 24 months.

In certain cases, a waiting period will be waived if a comparable dental insurance plan was terminated in the 30 to 60 days prior to the effective date of your new plan, but your former dental plan must include very similar coverage.

For major services such as crown repair and oral surgery, members are covered at 10% - 25% in their first year, and 25% - 50% in year two and beyond depending on the plan purchased. Many individuals are drawn to this option because it allows them to receive a discount for the services they need and takes the weight off having to pay in full during a waiting period.

When possible, remain enrolled in your current insurance plan until you purchase a new plan, and avoid a coverage gap of more than one month. In many cases, a waiting period can be waived if you recently had comparable coverage.

For me, I couldn't even see my Android device in Windows 10 Device Manager until I went into Settings/General/Developer options and set Select USB Configuration to MTP (Media Transfer Protocol) instead of the default Charging Only, and also found a different USB cable that wasn't a charging-only one. Then, as @sushanthkille indicated above, I still had to install an updated driver, but the way he describes via Device Manager didn't work. For my LG G4, I had to go to -drivers.html (found via googling for windows 10 LG G4 drivers) download the Windows driver, and install it manually. After all that, my G4 finally showed up in Windows 10.

A.D.2 - Zainstalowaliśmy Mac OS X i podczas startu mamy szare tło z jabłkiem i przekreślonym kółkiem coś ala "zakaz wjazdu". Jest to wynik właśnie "Still waiting for root device". Jak uruchomimy system w trybie verbose (z "-v"), to jedną z ostatnich linii (najczęściej ostatnią) jest właśnie ten komunikat. Tak samo jak w przypadku startu z płyty tak samo w tym przypadku, brakuje kexta do obsługi dysku. Widać nie wybraliśmy go przy instalacji, lub nie umieściliśmy go w /S/L/E lub w /Extra.

U mnie pomogło bootowanie z usb 3.0, wyskakuje still waiting for root device i przełożyłem do usb 2.0, instalator ruszył. Podczas reboota także przełożyłem z 3.0 do 2.0 i zainstalował się idealnie.

The following procedures include configuration steps for a typical Security Fabric implementation, where the edge FortiGate is the root FortiGate, and the downstream FortiGate devices are all devices that are downstream from the root FortiGate.

Downstream FortiGate devices can be securely added to the Security Fabric without sharing the password of the root FortiGate. Downstream device serial numbers can be authorized from the root FortiGate, or allowed to join by request. New authorization requests include the device serial number, IP address, and HA members. HA members can include up to four serial numbers and is used to ensure that, in the event of a fail over, the secondary FortiGate is still authorized. 2ff7e9595c

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