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Love indie books and want to read them for free, before anyone else does? That's exactly what you get if you sign up to become a Reedsy Discovery reviewer, as indie authors provide free ebooks in exchange for an honest review. Simply take notes of your thoughts as you read, and use them to write up a coherent review when you've finished reading. You'll be helping out the author as well as would-be readers, while getting a free read! Writing book reviews can also be an excellent way to break into the publishing industry if you're at the start of your career, but most of all they're great fun to write and read alike.
Be careful of websites that offer free ebook files to download directly from the site. These files could have malware designed to infect your computer. For example, be suspicious if a best-selling novel is available free on an unfamiliar website. It is best not to download ebooks, or any file, from an unknown site.
Some free ebook sites offer referral links to other websites so you can download the free ebooks there. These referral sites help you find free ebooks of interest to you. They also let you know when an ebook is free or goes on sale.
OverDrive is an ebook service that works with local libraries to lend free ebooks to readers. If your library is a member of OverDrive, you can borrow free ebooks, without even having to go to the library.
BookBub is a subscription service to let you know about ebooks that go free or are on sale. You can get daily emails to alert you about free and discounted books, and choose which books you want to hear about. Select from different formats (Kindle, iBook, Nook, etc.) and genres (fiction, mysteries, biographies, etc.).
Reach out to your personal network (friends, colleagues, other authors, etc.) and ask them to download and review your book. Having a few reviews for your book helps it get more downloads during the free promotion period (the launch) because people are more likely to download a book that has already been enjoyed by other readers versus one that appears to have not.
On Day 3 I kept posting on social media about the book. I remember sharing some screenshots of the book climbing the bestsellers list to help entice people to download a book that lots of other people were already downloading. That was about it. By this point I was relying mostly on organic downloads from Amazon customers who were looking at books in my categories.
The first thing I did when I woke up was change the price of my book to $0.99. Then, at around 11:00 am Pacific Time, I logged into my Amazon KDP account and manually cut off my free promotion. This resulted in a 1-2 hour window where my book was still being displayed on the bestsellers list for free books, but was actually listed for $0.99 (Amazon Bestsellers lists are updated hourly, hence the 1-2 hour window), as seen in the screenshot below:
The theory behind this tactic is that if you do not manually cut off your free promotion mid-day, then it will expire at midnight on the last day of your free promotion. As you can imagine, not many people are busy shopping for books on Amazon at midnight, so your exposure during your transition period from free to paid is minimal. Manually cutting off the free promotion in the middle of the day ensures more exposure and therefore gives you a better chance of climbing the paid bestsellers list immediately after your free promotion ends. Thanks to this tactic, I received over 100 paid sales @ $0.99 each, which was enough to help my book climb the paid bestsellers list in multiple categories and get featured in Hot New Releases.
The screenshot below shows the overall download numbers from the launch week. The green line represents the free promotion downloads. As you can see, the biggest spike occurred on the 4th day of the free promotion (I marketed this day as the last day of the free promotion to create urgency).
On the 5th day of the launch (February 25) can you see that there were both free downloads and paid sales. This was transition day, so technically speaking my free promotion was actually 4.5 days long. On Day 5 of the launch, I sold 155 copies of my book, and the day after that I sold an additional 97 copies before increasing the price to $2.99 on February 27.
1)Make the book 99 cents and have friends buy and review the book. (1-2 weeks before release date)2)Post a paperback version for a lot more money to encourage people to get the ebook (ex. $14.99)3)Raise the price the night before launch date (ex. From 99 cents to $4.99)4)Then do the 5 day KDP select free promotion5)Post on social media and email list that the promotion ends on Day 46)On the morning of Day 5, change the price to 99 cents7)At 11am you manually cut-off the promotion8)After a few days increase the price to $2.999)A few weeks later increase the price to $3.99
I changed the price of the book to $0.99 on the day that the free promotion ended. The goal was to get as many paid sales (and climb the paid bestsellers list) as possible before increasing the price.
The Best 6 Sites to Get Free EbooksAdvertisement Book lovers all over the world are starting to wake up and smell the coffee: ebooks are way better than paper books. The benefits are many, like not having to lug around a 10-pound doorstop, being able to bring your whole library with you everywhere, and backing up your entire library to the cloud. Books Suck: Why I Love My Kindle More Than Dead Trees Books Suck: Why I Love My Kindle More Than Dead Trees Modern e-readers hold thousands of novels, weigh next to nothing, have built in lights, and don't give you a concussion when they hit your nose. Read More5 Free ePub Reader Windows 10 AppsUser Ratings: [Total: 0 Average: 0/5] This article includes a list of free ePub reader Windows 10 apps. ePub as we all know is a short for electronic publication. These files have a file extension .epub in them.
The free Kindle app is an excellent e-reader app that seamlessly ties to your Amazon account and known to some as the best ebook reader. Kindle offers a wide selection of books, magazines and newspapers, making it one of the most popular eBook reader apps for smartphones and tablets.
Books are a great way to fill up your brain with fantastic ideas. However, they could also be responsible for emptying your pockets! As an avid reader on a budget, I am always on the lookout for free and legal ebook or audiobook sources. And if you are sailing in a similar boat, the Libby iOS app could be a great option to explore free titles.
In the name of literary improvement, we've searched the depths of the ebook site to bring you the best reads and novellas, that - due to the death of authors, commendable volunteers and favourable publishing laws - are totally free.
What you are about to read is the detailed the step by step guide of how we were able to learn how to self-publish a book on the Amazon Kindle store (KDP) and how it has gone on to get 5,895 free downloads in the first 5 days to now selling extremely well (according to my bank account) at $2.99.
Listing your book for free should help you climb to the top of a few categories within Amazon. People love free stuff, so your book will get downloaded. And if you do the additional marketing that I suggest below, you should get LOTS of downloads.
We asked this person to email their list when there was only 24 hours left before our book went to $0.99. That was done to drive up the free downloads on the last day, but to also get some book sales for those people on the email list that missed the free download deadline. 2ff7e9595c